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由Eric,Bugbee执导, Joel,Moody,比尔·艾伦,Vivian,Vanhorn,Bill,Allen主演的好看的电影越野英雄美国2015年推出,此片讲述了

A passionate 26-year old BMX dirt jumper, Phineas Cooper, gets the chance of a lifetime to compete at the regional level to qualify for nationals. But his pursuit of triumph sours with a crash that knocks him out of commission. Determined to get back on track for the next major competition, he undergoes physical therapy for a couple months. In the meantime, he is ordered by court to complete community service for many unpaid citations for reckless street riding. He is forced to volunteer at a local youth center for at-risk teenage boys, and meets Jordin Riley, a beautiful humanitarian. To impress her, Phin decides to sign up for mentorship and handpicks one of the toughest boys named Blue Espinosa, a 14-year old whose mother is a heroin addict, and whose father was gunned down. As Phin takes Blue under his wings, he and his friends lead him on adventures of riding dirt trails, big jumps and cityscapes..

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