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由马丁·德容执导, 斯科拉·鲁特,费德贾·范·胡艾特,Sepp Ritsema,Lola van Zoggel,Vincent van der Valk,Janni Goslinga,Harpert Michielsen,蒂内·朱斯特拉,Hannah van Lunteren,Nola Frensdorf,Bo Tarenskeen,Truus te Selle,Steven Hooi,Rochelle Deekma主演的好看的电影麻痹2022其它2022年推出,此片讲述了

  A close-knit family is disrupted when the father fails to resurface during a professional dive. No funeral, no goodbye, just a house full of memories. Burdened by the elusive loss, Merel evades her husband's death and everything related to it. Her young children become entangled in their search for answers, eventually bringing the family to a hard stand. Merel has no choice but to face the loss in her own unique way, to start a new life together.

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