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由山田洋次执导, 渥美清,倍赏千惠子,樫山文枝,樱田淳子,米仓齐加年,小林桂树,前田吟,下条正巳,三崎千惠子,太宰久雄,笠智众,上条恒彦,吉田义夫,大泷秀治主演的好看的电影寅次郎的故事16:葛饰立志篇日本1975年推出,此片讲述了

  The sixteenth instalment in the Tora-san series. The seventeen-year-old girl Junko (Sakurada Junko) comes to Tora-san"s house, claiming that Tora-san is her father! Fortunately, Tora-san arrives home and explains everything. Junko has mistaken him as her father because he has always sent money to Junko"s mother, thanking her for her hospitality when he was very desperate in Yamagata about ten years ago. When Junko tells him that her mother has passed away a year ago, he is crushed and determined to visit her mother"s grave... When Tora-san comes back, an archeology student Reiko (Kashiyama Fumie) comes to rent the place, and he takes this opportunity to pursue learning, and love. However, her teacher Keiji is also there, which makes it difficult for Tora-san.

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