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由Cody Calahan执导, Alanna LeVierge,Nina Kiri,Adam Christie,Kate Fenton 主演的电影让她走加拿大2016年推出,此片讲述了Let Her Out follows Helen, a bike courier who suffers a traumatic accident. As she recovers, she begins to experience strange episodic-black outs, hallucinations, and night terrors-that lead her to discover that she has a tumor, a benign growth that is the remnants of a "vanishing twin" absorbed in utero. Over time, the tumor manifests itself as the dark and demented version of a stranger. As Helen's emotional and psychological state begins to deteriorate further and further, she begins to act out in psychotic episodes that are influenced by her evil twin - making her a danger to herself and her best friend, Molly.

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